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The Science Of Getting Rich Pdf Torrent

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Everything depends on context. The more information you provide, the better the feedback you'll get and the more focused the conversation will be.Try to answer simple questions yourself before starting a thread. Check the FAQ's,use Google search and the Reddit search barCommunity Overview.This community is for giving & receiving advice on all aspects of Entrepreneurship. Help and encourage each other, it's hard enough out there!.Strive for a professional but relaxed atmosphere.

Be polite and contribute to discussions in a constructive manner, everyone benefits from this.Self-promotion of your business/idea is encouraged but should be done while sharing in an IAmA/Q&A, question, or case study. Don't spam, it won't go down well.Please don't post asking users if they would be interested in a guide to something - just post the guide! Post it in series (Part 1, Part 2, etc). Hey,I am currently reading 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, and I'm struggling to understand what Hill means by 'Emotionalizing' the purpose statement. He says many times that FAITH is the strongest emotion by which to get your subconscious to listen to you, and make it a reality.Just in case you haven't read the book, the purpose statement is a statement that the book has you write, that describes exactly how much money you wish to gain, and how you wish to achieve it. Then in order to get the subconscious mind to listen to your purpose statement, and make it a reality, you then have to emotionalize it.My goal is to be making $1,000,000.00 every year by the time that I am 40 years old. I simply just don't get how I am supposed to do what he is asking.

How do I emotionalize a statement? Am I supposed to feel something when I read it? Do I need to force a feeling?If you have had an issue like this before, and have any advice it will be very much appreciated. I think you need to have more than just 'I will make $1M by the time I am 40.'

You should put words in your statement that bring out positive feelings. If you just have that statement and you have never earned that much before and don't really have a plan on how you will get there, the statement will surely give you feelings of doubt and disbelief.

However, if you have a plan of how you will get there it will feel much more attainable.' I am optimistic about my future and excited about my future successes. I am grateful about where I am now and where I will be in the future. Although I may face many challenges I am happy to take them on and welcome any challenge because I know I will succeed.

I will earn $1M every year by the time I am 40 and I will start by doing xyz.' Write something like this and recite it out loud every day and you will start believing it. Yes, make it specific for you. You want to be able to visualize your goal.

The science of getting rich summary pdf

You want to have a feeling of excitement just thinking about it. You want it to motivate you to take action right now. It's not just about having a goal and then hoping it will one day will become a reality. It's about internalizing your dreams so it becomes part of who you are. When you truly believe it, it will become part of your subconscious and it will imbue a confidence in you that will help dictate all your decisions and actions to put you closer to your goal. You don't do what he is asking because he is a bullshit artist who made his money selling motivation rather than actual advice.

People revere him because he is a cult-figure, but he is just the original Tai Lopez. I'm probably going to get lampooned for saying this, but take it from me. Every second you spend 'visualizing' and 'manifesting' is another second you spend not gaining credible experience and tangible knowledge. Business is a skill like anything else, the only way you learn and get better is by doing. To make an analogy to sports, do you think olympic athletes get where they are by 'manifesting', or do they train for their sport 8-10 hours a day for years upon years?I'm only 20, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, but I've read the complete Napoleon Hill catalog, and I used to be a true believer, but ultimately he is peddling bullshit. If it actually helps people great. People should do whatever works for them.

If the law of attraction finally lights the fire under your ass that you needed and you finally go out and sell your god damn services like you're supposed to, excellent! But if the law of attraction paralyzes you with confusion, throw it away and move onto something that works. Did we read the same book? The documentary 'The Secret' sounds more like what you're talking about. It talks more about 'believing' and 'wishing' than actually putting in the work.' Think and Grow Rich' however has tons of advice.

The science of getting rich

There's a whole chapter on Persistence and how important it is to keep working towards your goal.You mention Olympic athletes training 8-10 hours a day for years. What do you think is fueling them and keeping them moving forward? A BURNING DESIRE, which is cultivated and amplified by VISUALIZATION. The more clearly you can Visualize the completion of your Chief Definite Aim, the more motivation you will have to do so.

If you have no FAITH that your efforts will be worth it, you're going to give up when the first obstacle comes your way. However with strong faith, you'll get back up and keep going, because you KNOW what's waiting for you.MANIFESTING doesn't mean 'wishful thinking'. You manifest by creating new products, marketing, reading, excercising, etc. That's all a part of manifesting.A lot of people hear the words 'Think and Grow Rich' and immediately get excited because they think all they have to do is Think and Grow Rich without putting in the work.If Bill Gates lost all his money and assets overnight, he'd be a millionaire/billionaire again very quickly. Because he has the philosophy, the mindset to do so. He has FAITH that he can make it back because he's already been there!That's what I view as the purpose of this book. To give you the necessary beliefs and thought-patterns that are universal among nearly every success story.

As an alternative, you might enjoy watching this documentary miniseries, which follows the robber-baron business tycoons that Napoleon Hill claims to have met. Closer to the source.Here's the playlist:My favorite lesson from it was that when you want to sell something, especially a new, unfamiliar technology, one of the best ways is through a dramatic demonstration.Andrew Carnegie sold the public on trusting the strength of steel by renting an elephant to walk on a steel bridge he'd built.

At the time, there was a widely believed superstition that elephants don't walk on anything unstable.Henry Ford demonstrated the superiority of his car by racing against a competitor. According to the documentary, at the time his competitor was a veteran racer and Ford had never raced before.Personally, I like this book better than Think and Grow Rich:(PDF) by Felix Dennis.He's a legitimate rich guy, not some guru. He was a magazine publisher. Maxim was one of his more popular titles, but computer magazines were where he made his fortune.He wrote the book himself. No ghostwriter. He's also really open about stuff. He talks about blowing a ton of money living the rock-star lifestyle before he settled down.There are so many points where you read and think, 'Yeah, that's what it's really like.'

He takes you along for the ride and you get to see things through his eyes.He talks about struggling in the beginning. Trying to make things work on a shoestring budget and selling your ass off to customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to keep things going.How people around you like family and friends have a 'crab bucket mentality' and try to hold you back. How they even want you to fail. (it's a recurring theme through the whole book).In the middle, how to deal with bigger competitors that try to crush you or buy you out.When you're rich, how you have to worry about the government and regulators when it comes to IPOs and taxes.If you've ever felt dissatisfied with interviews, articles and books about successful people that only gloss over the surface, Dennis' book is a blast of fresh air.Some takeaways:.The quality of the idea doesn't matter so much.

Great execution often matters more.It's not about who works the hardest. It's about preserving as much of your ownership stake as possible. Try not to fritter away your equity to partners, bankers and creditors, investors, venture capitalists, employees, etc.

You really get rich when your company is sold or taken public. When you take outside money, you become an employee not an entrepreneur, even if you're the founder. There's a whole chapter titled, ' Ownership!.If it flies, floats or fornicates, it's cheaper to rent than buy. I think it was originally said by Oscar Wilde, but I first read it through Dennis.Enjoy.

I have read the book and familiar with the technique. I think Hill's techniques may likely work for a few, but like anything else, you have to have an open mind to accept new possibilities without prejudice (aka faith).

Much easier said than done. I often find success in visualizing my goals. I recently launched a new business in September. I have a visualization pattern I think of several times a day. I'm certain this has helped me in prior endeavors and given me a bit of an 'edge'.Money is a bi-product of exchanging value between people for goods and services. Too many people get fixated on money.

Science Of Getting Rich Summary

What they should get fixated on is providing value to other human beings in trading goods and services. So, instead of setting a goal of making $1MM/year find a hobby or passion of yours and figure out how to monetize it. For example, if you like cars than set a goal of owning five car dealerships by the age of 40, which should produce an income close to or exceeding your goal. If you like food, start a food manufacturing company or a chain of restaurants.

Science Of Getting Rich Program

Find something you like, develop it where you create value and demand, repeat.